Yup! its my message in that bottle

Who threw the bottle

There are things i dare not do, there are words i dare not say, but luckily i DARE to write. ----- THIS site is a portion of my life and my heart that is open up for you guys to explore, it is also a narrow channel for me to express my happiness, my anger, my sorrow, my joy to with you ALL!! Be my audience okay???!!!!

Twistter in the bottle

follow chan_lee at http://twitter.com

Wishes in the bottle

- light blue Jeans
- New Spectacle
- Nikon Digital Single Lens Camera
- Many trips to many Asian countries

Linked by the bottle

My Friendster
My Facebook
Sabah Chinese A-Level
NUS MainPage
JVC Mobile Entertainment KD-BT1
Formula 1 official site
Yahoo Currency Converter
星洲日報 Sin Chew Daily

Other Favourite Bottles

.:4S2 - Together, we overcome:.
.:4S5 - Make us your light:.
.:_*Somewhere over the sky~:.
.:All Things Work Together for Good:.
.:Christ in Yan:.
.:My mind, My thoughts, My words:.
.:~R@cHeL-Let the star lead my way..~:.
.:A good start???:.
.:JusticeChung's True Words:.

Music in the bottle

You Are My Angel - 大嘴巴

You Are My Angel - 大嘴巴

Pictures in the bottle


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Thursday, May 31, 2007
PC show 2007 (31May - 3 June)
看来这个礼拜买电脑的计划又要延迟了。。原本要星期四去 PC Show 看看的。。但是好来不来,这PC show 刚好在 EMERGE (31May - 3 June) 的时候来, 六合彩都没有酱准。。

一开始 cell group leader 说最好来 EMERGE 啦, 电脑随时都可以买啦。 原本还想硬硬来去了再说; 但没有一个小时,ministry 的 Bernard 接着来第二波, 有空早上帮手吗??... 无言!!想去PC Show 看看??门都没有。。

看来只好延期了。好想好想买架desktop 叻!!是神的旨意吗??要我迟一点才买?网上买?还是干脆在Sim Lin Square 自己装比较划算?

不知道了。。我还要想一想,还想看一看。。。 麻烦。。  

This bottle was thrown to the sea on:
1:37 AM

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
What Color Is Your Brain?
Your Brain is Blue

Of all the brain types, yours is the most mellow.
You tend to be in a meditative state most of the time. You don't try to think away your troubles.
Your thoughts are realistic, fresh, and honest. You truly see things as how they are.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends, your surroundings, and your life.
What Color Is Your Brain?


This bottle was thrown to the sea on:
9:24 PM

PC Show 2007
Next week is PC show 2007, once again i am tempted to buy a Desktop, this is not the first time i am tempted to buy one, it started two year back already, but everytime being delayed because of not enough money.
This year the temptation is very very bad, coz finally i have the financial to buy one. My heart wanted so much to buy one, but my mind keep trying to convince me not to buy giving a lot of reason: Vista not stable now lar, wait for Quad core lar, better to safe money lar.... every kind of reason. A WAR is going on in my body now, my heart against my thought....

Doing some research on what kind of computer to buy now... i am not sure will i buy one in the PC fair or not but surely looking forward for it. ^^;

This bottle was thrown to the sea on:
12:23 PM

Thursday, May 17, 2007
To the left or to the right ??
After helping out in water baptism last Saturday, I am very tired, my face and hand is burning after exposing to the bright sunlight for so many hour, my shoe and pant and shoe are both wet as I help to spray water on the floor. What I wanted to do is only go back and have a nice bath and watch the service online, make sense huh?? I still manage to catch the sermon after all.

So on the way home, I called my cell group leader saying that I will not be able to attend service today.

“Eh John, I cannot go to service today leh!! I get myself all wet after helping out in water baptism”
“How come??? Haven’t you bring along a spare T-shirt”
“Yes… but still my shoes and pants get wet”
“Okay. I see you this Sunday then”

The call ended but from the conversation, I can feel the sting coming out from his mouth and I am not feeling comfortable about it. On bus 99 going back to Clementi. His words keep replaying in my mind; somehow I didn’t feel the peace in making such decision. My mind keeps telling me that it is totally all right to go home and watch online. But my heart feeling guilty for not being a good disciple, refuse to do what should have been done.

Reached Clementi, to the left is my home where i can have a good rest, to the right is to church and have the peace in heart. What should i do? where should i go?
At the end, I hop on to MRT and head towards the church with my shoes wet. I am late, but still on time for the sermon. Today I cry pretty badly, I guess I was too tired, but intending to seek rest and comfort at totally the wrong place. Thank God I come back to HIS house.

This bottle was thrown to the sea on:
6:47 PM

Saturday, May 05, 2007
Kukup 2007
今天眼睛看到的不是新加坡,是Johor的一个渔村 Kukup。 和同事们来这里玩两天一夜,说真的这里没有什么特别的景点,走完了红树林和‘kelong’之后,基本上没有东西看了。 接下来的时间是在度假屋打打麻将,钓钓鱼, 看看电视, 和唱唱K。 两天的时间就这样过去了。优哉悠闲!!! 不过玩的还真的是很开心的说 ^ ^;






This bottle was thrown to the sea on:
6:34 PM