Yup! its my message in that bottle

Who threw the bottle

There are things i dare not do, there are words i dare not say, but luckily i DARE to write. ----- THIS site is a portion of my life and my heart that is open up for you guys to explore, it is also a narrow channel for me to express my happiness, my anger, my sorrow, my joy to with you ALL!! Be my audience okay???!!!!

Twistter in the bottle

follow chan_lee at http://twitter.com

Wishes in the bottle

- light blue Jeans
- New Spectacle
- Nikon Digital Single Lens Camera
- Many trips to many Asian countries

Linked by the bottle

My Friendster
My Facebook
Sabah Chinese A-Level
NUS MainPage
JVC Mobile Entertainment KD-BT1
Formula 1 official site
Yahoo Currency Converter
星洲日報 Sin Chew Daily

Other Favourite Bottles

.:4S2 - Together, we overcome:.
.:4S5 - Make us your light:.
.:_*Somewhere over the sky~:.
.:All Things Work Together for Good:.
.:Christ in Yan:.
.:My mind, My thoughts, My words:.
.:~R@cHeL-Let the star lead my way..~:.
.:A good start???:.
.:JusticeChung's True Words:.

Music in the bottle

You Are My Angel - 大嘴巴

You Are My Angel - 大嘴巴

Pictures in the bottle


Drop a tag in the bottle

Notice Board @ bottles

Past Bottles

May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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February 2007
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December 2007
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October 2008
December 2008
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August 2009

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Friday, July 18, 2008
刚做完Car Test回公司,Mr M匆匆忙忙赶过来叫我准备sent out 两架 B Adapter,才准备了一架;Miss A 跑过来问display 的问题,没有答案, 答应 Miss A 等一下study后才可以答复, 没办法要继续准备第二架 B Adapter,好快午餐lunch break 有 F 和 L 的 birthday celebration, celebrate 完了前一脚才踏进office Mr T 又跑过来叫booking sport hall, (TMD@#@$!自己不会book 啊!!?)Book 又是要 register 之后才可以book 的那种实在麻烦, book 之后就赶着send 一份official letter给同事关于sent out B Adapter 的事情,才刚按下[send] AN 先生丢了一张名单叫帮忙收刚才Birthday Celebration 的钱, 说什么收钱这种东西我比较在行, 只有麻烦我了..(气炸+没力) 没时间收放一边, 赶着要study Miss A 早上问的 Display 问题,有头绪了跑过去 software group 找了 Miss A 回来, 前一脚才刚踏进office这时候轮到老板 Mr W 跑过来问 S Adaptor 的问题...........

好不容易忙完所有的东西,今天真的忙得不得了,东西大大小小,好的坏的,全部赶在今天报道。 难道不能慢慢来吗?


This bottle was thrown to the sea on:
5:02 PM

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


榴莲茶馆看到了这样的一个Statement. 觉得很有道理, 公司人事最近也不是很好, 对Tee的心情还蛮感同身受。

HR Miss Ching 曾经和我说过“世上没有绝对‘好’的工作, 只是看这份工作适合不适合你。。。


This bottle was thrown to the sea on:
4:12 PM

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Basic Theory Test (BTT)
Finally after so much consideration decided to take Basic Theory Test and convert my driving license to a Singaporean one. All all these time didn't have a slight idea of converting my malaysian license, as I only need to drive in my hometown when I go back, didn't feel that there is any need to make so much trouble to get singaporean one, Taking Basic Theory Test, Requesting a official letter from JPJ then finally going to Traffic Police to apply for conversion.

Recently, things changes my perception changes.. "Hey On second thought... I may have the opportunity to drive in Sigapore, and when such time comes, I need to have a singaporean license", "Mmmm... By the way, Singapore License is well recognized in Malaysia, and normally I only will be back there say 20+ days a year" The fact that Malaysia License need to be renewed yearly and international license cost RM150 per year even convinced me to convert my licence to a one time payment, life time singaporea driving licence.

The facts is, I already registered for BTT this september and there is no turning back now. see how it goes. LOL


This bottle was thrown to the sea on:
9:49 PM